I got SO BAD at this and I apologize. Not to sound conceited or anything (although, my family used to tell me "of all the conceit in our family, I think Jessica got most of it" - thanks for boosting it guys), but I re-read my blog sometimes and I think I'm HILARIOUS. Mostly because I have context and during the sometimes 5 hour stints of me playing Skyrim I am in a constant state of inner laughter. Regardless of all that, it's among one of the main reasons I actually play this shit.
This is something I wrote MONTHS ago.....and I thought it was still fairly true today and fitting for this post:
WOWZA. I have been playing this game for TWO MONTHS and I'm not even CLOSE to finishing. I think I mentioned this before but I think I average about 10 hours of playing a week, so let's approximate and say that I've spent 72 hours Climbing in people's windows and snatching their people up (don't forget to hide your kids and hide your wife....and your husband...because I'm pickpocketing ERRY-ONE out there). That is THREE WHOLE DAYS of my life spent helping the citizens of Skyrim and basically saving their asses left right and center.
Without me, who would have taken Meridia's Beacon from the clutches of the evil Falmer in Shimmermist Cave? Who would have Spread the Love of Mara around Skyrim?
Me, waiting in line for the Keynote at PAX Prime West in Seattle |
And may I add that my playing time has amounted to at least 5 days now? and I haven't even played for two whole months because I've been in other
countries where video games like STARCRAFT and LEAGUE OF LEGENDS are a big deal (neither of which I understand the fascination of in the slightest).
A lot has happened since the days of old as I become more than the girlfriend who plays one video game (which happens to be THE video game), and closer to the girl who starts to play Dungeons and Dragons with a regular D&D group and plays multiple video games and goes to
video gaming conventions. WUT! Apparently it's been in me all along and I'm not ashamed.
Regardless of my newly attained video game prowess, I want to talk to you a little bit about my favorite questline in Skyrim. Do you want to guess before I tell it to you?!?!?! huh? Do ya? No? Well you're no fun.
It's the Thieves Guild Questline. You guys it is SO MUCH FUN, and intriguing, and ghostly, and, in my opinion, the best thought-out. The last time I talked about my adventures in thiefdom was in
this post of yore where I disclosed that Maven Blackbriar was the largest (and really only) client and that
SOME SNEAKY MOM (or just person.....we had yet to find out) was slowly trying to shut her down and close her out of business. For instance, the Goldenglow Estate where Maven got all her honey from for her Meadery was going to no longer supply it to her! WHAT THE EFF, so I warned the owner by burning down some bee hives and sneaking into the estate to find an interesting letter with a curious symbol on it. Very curious indeed.

Maven asks to speak to me DIRECTLY, which, you guys, is SCARY because she's an intense lady who has waaaayyyy too much power over the peeps of Riften, and she wants to talk to ME. Like I said, I'm a popular gal who gets invited to parties and the such and whatnot. I talk to Maven like a civilized adult and she tells me that her competition up at the Hunningbrew Meadery outside of Whiterun somehow got a shitload of money and is in direct competition with Blackbriar Meadery. Apparently she doesn't take to competition too well (as we've realized with the event I like to call "The Burning of the Bees") and she wants me to do something about it.
As if I have a choice, I agree to helping her out for a pretty sum and head to Whiterun to execute the plan. Right now Hunningbrew has a skeever infestation (which I will agree is a thousand times worse than something like a cockroach or
silverfish infestation). I'm to find the nest and apply the poison said nest. In doing so, I also have access to the brewing pots for the Mead and will put some gross shit in them to make the Mead taste disgusting and dirty so that when it gets tested by some eager investors they will drink the yuck and condemn the Hunningbrew dude and his mead therefore turning them towards the Blackbriar Meadery instead. It's a pretty brilliant plan if you ask me, and, as you can imagine, worked like a charm, aside from the weird wizardy dude named Hamelyn that I met in the cave by the skeever nest who was batshit crazy forging a skeever army because he was upset about some people "wronging" him. Give me a break. I had to pull out some magic there and literally fire his ass so I could get to the nest and kill the skeevers. What a pain in my backside. I also stole a promissory note that contained the SAME symbol as that of the one found in Goldenglow Estate......curiouser and curiouser.

Regardless of all this, one common link is this dude name Gulum-Ei who often helps with thieves guild-y type things so I follow him to where he is actually sometimes stealing goods from the guild which by the way is an ass hole move, and I confront him about what all this is about. He reveals to me that the person behind all this hullabaloo is a lady named KARLIAH. At this point, the name means absolutely nothing to me, it's like, that moment where I *should* have some sort of jaw-dropping awe-ish reaction, but because I have no idea who the fuck he's talking about I'm like aiight and peace the scene.
Heading back to the thieves guild, I find out Karliah was a previous member of the guild, very close to both Mercer and the old guildmaster Gallus. She also was the person who purportedly KILLED Gallus and now is planning on doing the same to Mercer Frey. In other words, this sneaky lady is trying to shut down the thieves guild for good with her skeeving ways and we're all not too happy about that.
So what are we going to do now? track her down? feed her to the wolves? cast a spell? My questions were more like: what on earth does this chick have to gain from killing all these people? Why would she resurface now after all this time? Why am I the one who keeps getting chosen for all these high profile thieves guild quests when there are other people who are pretty high up in the seniority bit that might like some fame?
Want the answers? CHECK BACK NEXT TIME BECAUSE THIS BLOG POST IS TOO FUCKING LONG. I love you, but seriously all this typing is giving me a hand cramp. UNTIL NEXT TIME, don't let anyone steal your sweet rolls.