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This is me....in a snow storm....and NOT where I'm supposed to be |
To recap, Alvar asked me to go to Whiterun and as I explained in my previous post........I wasn't happy with his apparent deception about its relative closeness to Riverwood. You see, he said something along the lines of "Beautiful Wood Elf, you need to tell the Jarl of Whiterun about the DRAGON and it is but a hop skip and a jump if you go North, you can't miss it."
So about an hour and a half of RUNNING NORTH later and battling WOLVES and HARKERS (which by the way...are walruses and they are LARGE) and travelling through the extremely cold mountains and having thieves give me things and hunters wanting them and BETRAYAL, I found myself........COMPLETELY LOST.
I don't mean lost in the "hmm, I'm not quite sure where I'm going" sort of way, but in the "I went in the complete opposite direction of where I was supposed to go and now I'm swimming and the screen keeps telling me that "I cannot go that way" (what kind of BS is that?......unless these people still think that the earth is flat who knows)" sort of way. URGH.
Just to show you where I was (this is MY actual game map) Do you see the little Arrow like thing on the far right of the screen? That's where I was LOST. See the little house thing at the bottom of the screen? That's Riverwood. Oh...and Whiterun? That little blue marker you see to the left of Riverwood ....THAT's WHERE I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE.
BUT in the meantime of my completely misdirected wanderings I came across Beam-ja and Salma who were looking for something in this tomb where there were ZOMBIES and FROSTBITE SPIDERS and DOUBLE CROSSING. As far as I could understand, in this tomb there was supposed to be a whole lot of treasure and the weird reptile and Salma had been together forever trying to find it and asked me to come along. Why not - right? WHAT A MISTAKE (for Beam-ja, that is, to invite me, anyway, since I foiled ALL HIS PLANS).
What were they, you ask? he actually wanted ALL OF THE POWER of the guy in this tomb which needed a blood sacrifice and his brilliant plan was to bleed Salma to death (really guy? Could you not be more original? Give a girl a break!). So we finally get there, Beam-ja goes all double-crossy, and I kill him. Then Salma wants to be alone which sucks because honestly after all that travelling and the snow storm and almost being killed kind of made me hope we might make out a little (WHAT?!?!?! wouldn't you?).
I got fed up being lost this mornings so I gave up trying to find my way back and fast travelled all the way back to Riverwood and realized Alvar said to follow the WATERFALL across the river and I definitely didn't do that and then I found Whiterun and the rest is restored to happiness.
Also, until last night, I didn't know you could jump in this game. And then I found the triangle button.
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