WHY, I made my character visit the Temple of Mara in Riften, of course. I met up with Dinya my homegirl at the temple, and she was all "Would you like to be an agent of Mara and spread her love around Skyrim?" to which I replied "EFF YA IT'S A CELEBRATION, BITCHES!"
My first task: Set up two young lovers in Ivarsted. I fly over to Ivarsted, a white winged cherub with a heart tipped arrow, and meet Fastred. Fastred is nicely harvesting the plants in her family's garden and there's a look of sadness in her eye. you know, the look one might get when told they're not allowed to love the one you love. Talk about Romeo and Juliet! Farsted has fallen in love with Bassianus (who I'm not really into to be honest) but her father HATES HIM. She's all "you NEED to talk to my father for me" and I'm like urgh fine...I'll do it....
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Bassianus, just chillin, y'know how it is |
Basically, I'm good at matchmaking and I got Bassianus and Fastred together and they happily flee to Riften (so basically they rushed away to thief central which is cool because I need to increase my pickpocketing skills).
My next task on the way to becoming an "agent of Mara" is to get OldMagicGuy Calcemo together with the Housecarl of Markarth's Jarl (yarl, carl, rarl......I have no idea what I'm saying), Faleen. She's pretty rad, I've spoken with her before, and Calcemo, well, he's old fashioned but not a smooth talker like me. Calcemo urges me to find out what Faleen likes (sweet rolls? missionary? S&M?) so clearly I talk to her best friend, Yngvar. Poor Calcemo, Yngvar isn't a bad looking dude (if you're into that sorta thing) so I'm really surprised by his willingness to help out! He says, as cold as Faleen looks on the outside, she actually REALLY loves POETRY!!! This girl has got some taste. Not only does he give me this little bit of information but he also provides a poem he wrote for some girl that he can change to be for Faleen (but not without a price, argh). But read it isn't it CUTE?!?!?!
A missive: from Calcelmo to Faleen
My lover's heart is numbing stone
That hides in ice beneath our sight.
So some decry, "It is not there,"
While others whisper, "Yet, it might."
Though stone is born from fevered ash,
Once formed it yields no whiff of heat.
So too, her heart betrays no love,
Nor comforts those embracing it.
As mountains grow and yearn for sky,
Then climbers, conquering, ascend.
With chisel, rope, with axe and pick,
They force the rock to yield to them.
One peak stands proud amidst the range,
Invincible, and scaled by none.
Those men who try wash down her slopes;
Their eye-born streams obliquely run.
For brash assault could never pierce
Those guarded depths that lay apart.
But patient water gently shapes
A furtive channel to the heart.
My love is delving water, ice
That cracks with cycles of the sun.
A lapping, yearning, whispered plea
Will mark the time 'til I rush in.
For I have dwelt among the rocks,
My city carved from rugged stone.
So in that burrow I will creep,
And warm the soul which makes my home.
AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! Let's just say, that worked like a charm!
So now that I've made Fastred make up her mind and turned Calcemo into Shakespeare it's time I bring a couple together who have been drifting apart......pretty literally. See this couple were around AGES ago, and died unfortunately while looking for each other. Condemned to never knowing what happened as spirit form, it's my job to bring them together.
You see, I didn't really want to kill anyone during this quest, but I begrudgingly had to walk past a DRAGON circling a Mammoth and that was just annoying because you basically have no choice but to kill the thing in the meantime. No rest for the Dragonborn, so it goes.
BUT WHATEVER, I got the man with the fiery beard and his little bonnet woman together and they lived (in death) happily ever after! They even floated up in the sky like two cute hollographic ghosty guys. Good for them. I'm a champion.
AWESOME, now I'm an "Agent of Mara" which means I have +15 Magic Resistance.....WERD UP.
Moral of the Story: It pays to be a lover, man.